New Striatum Proteomics Data Available

New Striatum Proteomics Data Available

To facilitate cross-tissue data analysis , proteomics data from the striatum of Allelic Series mice at the 2, 6 and 10 month time-points have been updated on HDinHD, and a new submission of raw striatal data has been made to PRIDE. The current data were generated using the same analytical pipeline utilized to generate longitudinal data from cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus and liver tissues.

The Allelic Series Decoder Ring has been updated accordingly to reflect the new data.   For those researchers who have analyzed the old processed striatum data, we provide these rows in its own tab, Striatum Proteomics DR1.3, for backward compatibility as part of the Decoder Ring download.

Access the HDinHD Allelic Series Proteomics Data Here